Hello, again!
Finally got a chance to write about finding and buying the new house I moved into just over a year ago (August 18, 2022 to be exact!) It happened a lot faster than I thought and wound up being much more of a downsize than I expected (which has been such a good thing.)
Fair warning—this got long!
September 4, 2023
It’s been a year…
It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since I made the decision to downsize and sell the home where I raised my kids and lived for 23 years. The good news is that I am still pinching myself about living in this house and I have completely fallen in love with my new neighborhood and yes, my new life.
Stephanie- What a lovely idyllic home with blue siding, no less. Perfect place for creating reading nooks, writing nooks, and many other nooks in between. I hope you’re still enjoying it. 🙌🏼